Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020: What we are excited for

There is a lot we are already excited for in 2020 with more plans to come!


For spring break, we will head to NYC for 5 or so nights to see J's brother and wife + for J to run a half-marathon that finishes in Central Park!

For our major summer vacation, we are heading to Paris for a few days and then taking a 12-night Disney Cruise to Sicily, Greece, a few other Italy ports, Cannes, and then Barcelona. Greece will be a new country for me and will keep me on the country count equaling my age path. EDIT - we actually just recounted our countries and I’m at 38, Greece will get me to 39 and ahead of my age.

In the fall, J will run the full Chicago marathon so we will spend a weekend in Chicago too.

We plan to have a fall getaway and ski trip next year as well.

Other 2020 Plans
J will run the full Cincinnati marathon in May and we will be cheering him on! I may run the 10K the day before, but not sure yet!

C will graduate pre-school and start kindergarten this year! C will likely have her first gymnastics competition too.

S will finish 4th grade (her last year at 'Elementary' school) and start 5th grade at the Intermediate school. S will continue to cheer as well.

I hope to run even more miles than 2019 as my personal focus.

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