Thursday, March 1, 2018

Walt Disney World - Day 1

My friend Ashley and I decided to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon and made a family trip out of the long weekend - her family includes husband R and  2 sons, CA (so as not to confuse with my little C) and N. We signed up for the race last year when it opened and have been planning the trip ever since. We decided to stay at the Contemporary for great location on the monorail (important for race morning) and also proximity to Magic Kingdom.

Day 1 started with an early flight for my family and the Magical Express to our hotel.

Once at the hotel, we enjoyed lunch by the pool, some swim time, and a boat ride on the lake for J &S (while C napped on me)  before Ashley's family arrived from Baltimore.

A and I had to go to the expo for our bibs while the dads and kids played at the pool and then we enjoyed a fun dinner at Chef Mickey's at our hotel. C especially loved that Pluto put the autograph book on his nose to sign.

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